Values are so important part of being human, it determines the way you operate your life and your work. We at Touching Lives also operate from these foundational values which got built up slowly and gradually. These values are the soul of Touching Lives, it is the way of life here , way of our work. Here are the Five values penned by Sonia Mackwani, the Founder- Director of Touching Lives. They in itself is such a huge lesson , which opens the doors of learning for every one who is willing to learn it
Foundation Values is the soul of our organization.These values help us to broaden our point of views and fill ourselves with ample of space.So that we can allow every child to come in the way he wants to. These values were developed to make this place a blessed space, a space which is not only about educating someone but respecting them for who they are.
Foundation Value # 1
It is completely our need to serve rather than saying that we are serving the needy!!- Sonia Mackwani
”We don’t believe that anyone on this planet is needy. We don’t believe that someone needs us or we need to fix anyone, or help anyone. We only believe that this thing called need is in us. We need to teach in order to learn. Because there is a need in us to improve, to evolve, to work from inside out and that is why we work in a social sector. Not for the society but for ourselves.”
Foundation Value # 2
We don’t call anyone underprivileged, destitute or poor. The fact that everyone is born on the same planet makes us all equal and privileged.- Sonia Mackwani
”We really don’t function from the point of view that we are superior from someone or that someone is not equal to us. How do we as a human being decide that? If we are humans and we are born on the same planet, isn’t that enough to believe that we are all equal irrespective of the caste, creed, social or economic status.
We believe that each one of us has a purpose and that alone can qualify as a criteria to state that we are all equal.
If anything we believe that each one of us is born with a God-Nature, no matter what reality he is in right now. While working in Touching Lives each one of us try to find, tap, appreciate that god like nature in each being, in each soul.”
Foundation Value # 3
We don’t work “ANTI” anything. Like Anti- Poverty, Anti-Illiteracy. Instead we believe in creating an alternative path.- Sonia Mackwani.
We don’t work ANTI anything. We accept that everything is a part of the universe and so, we don’t like to protest about it.We instead think what else will be possible in the situation and what else can we do. We thus think of creating multiple alternatives where we and our children can walk together and choose their options.
Foundation Value # 4
We constantly believe in sharing. Be it our resources, be it our knowledge, be it our time. We ask ourselves, what gifts do we have that we are willing to share with others!- Sonia Mackwani
Foundation Value # 5
We constantly ask ourselves how have we evolved or how have we helped someone else to evolve by doing the work we are doing.- Sonia Mackwani
We constantly believe in evolving and improving, in constantly making ourselves better, so that we have best to offer to everyone who come across our journey.Self- Work we believe is the way bring change in the society. That is the reason, children and mentors at Touching Lives are free to learn new things and train themselves so that they can be the change they want to see in the society.
So these are our values on which we work. Do you too have a value for yourself or your enterprise or your organization? If yes, then we would love to know your story too. Share it with us and let us know.