Working here in Touching Lives has taught me a lot. It has made me more compassionate, and more kind. It is here that, I get inspired by ordinary people. It doesn’t matter for how long these people stay in my life, for the impact they made in my life is tremendous. They came out of nowhere and made me grounded, to a reality which might be so different from mine but at the same time was so intriguing that I started accepting and loving the world I live in, even though it might be full of flaws.
The universe here around me, is not perfect. It is not great. It is ordinary. Very ordinary in fact. But it is beautiful, and full of heroes who teach me, inspire me. I am inspired by the things I have heard and seen around me.
I am inspired by a Ten years old boy who lives in a slum; and plays very good chess. How has he learnt it??Just by looking at others playing.
I am inspired by a father who tells me that having his daughter at home is like having God born.
I am inspired by a fourteen years old girl, who feeds her family from the money she saves, when there is no money at her house.
I am inspired when children come to me to tell me, that when they will grow up they will fund Touching Lives entirely or someday start their own organization just like this one and serve.
I am inspired when a deaf and dumb boy shows tremendous interest in learning, when he understands my language without words.(No!!I don’t know sign language)
I am inspired by a fifteen year old girl living in slum nursing, nurturing, helping street dogs, with love and only love.
I am inspired by a boy who was into gambling and stealing, is now into studies and healing.
I am inspired by the people who so relentlessly believe in GIVING. Be it money, time or knowledge. It is because of them that others are guided towards their purpose. I am inspired by all these things which adds life in me.It is here between such moments, my life happens.And so, I am inspired by Life itself.
May you too be born everyday and may life happen to you too. May you live while you learn and learn while you live.
May today you all be guided and blessed.
May today you all be inspired.