Education : Of things we Should and Shouldn’t Teach Children
Why do we limit children to the confines of classrooms and notebooks?
Why not instead we allow them to explore the limitless universe both inside and outside them
Why just focus on giving knowledge?
Why not instead focus on imparting wisdom
Why do we emphasis so much focus on Mind, Science, Profit, Wars, Geographical Border.
And very little on Heart, Spirituality, Love, Compassion, Art Music, Dance, Poetry?
Why do we want our children to just earn their living?
Even worms can do that.
Why don’t we instead tell them to live for evolving?
Why do we ask them to tell us ”What you want to become when you grow up?”
As if the future is the place which will free them, which will liberate them!
Instead we should ask and help our children to be rooted in Here and Now.
Because that alone holds the promise to Salvation.
We teach and tell our children about the Standard of Living,
Not realizing that there cannot be any Standard which can define living.
There can be wholeness, there can be wellness and there could be Well-Being but no Standard of Living.
We tell our children how quickly India is turning into an emerging market,
Not understanding that a place where real beings reside cannot be called a non-living market.
We create so much fear in the minds of our children for this thing called TIME
Not grasping that it isn’t real; it is mere a relative concept.
We want our children to become Doctors and Engineers and create a beautiful world outside
Without telling them to first tend to their world inside themselves, Without telling them that the outside is mere the reflection of your inside.
We feel education is about sophisticated things like Technology and Machines
And we unknowingly ignore the simple things like earth, cosmos and astronomy.
In this process of teaching children what we think is right and wanting a child to fulfill our broken dreams we don’t look into simple things.
If only we can focus on teaching our children some simple things like how to smile, how to love, how to pray and play, how to be silent, how to speak, how to smell flowers, how to feel the sun under the skin, how to hear music, how to kiss the earth, how to dig a hole, how to hug, how to plant a tree, how to cook, how to tend to a sick person, how to behave with a healthy person, how to save, how to spend.
If only we can focus on teaching our children simple things like how to take, how to die, how to give and most importantly how to live; our children will be well settled along with being well educated.
If only a teacher, a parent, a mentor, a guide understands this thing that we aren’t just raising a child but a soul not just to earn money, live in luxury  but to reach his/her highest potential then every child will live their life with joy,ecstasy and with utmost potential.